Affectionate person的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們查出實價登入價格、格局平面圖和買賣資訊

Affectionate person的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦陳正芬寫的 Set Love Free: Female Sexuality as Subversive Agency in Lord Byron’s Don Juan 和Farr, Judith的 I Never Came to You in White: A Novel About Emily Dickinson都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

這兩本書分別來自麗文文化 和所出版 。

國立臺灣師範大學 國文學系 徐國能所指導 張芳瑜的 沈祖棻《涉江詞》研究 (2020),提出Affectionate person關鍵因素是什麼,來自於沈祖棻、涉江詞、女性、相思、家國。

而第二篇論文國立臺南大學 諮商與輔導學系碩士班 陳宇平所指導 黃鼎益的 男同志青少年時期單戀異男經驗之探究 (2019),提出因為有 青少年、單戀、男同志的重點而找出了 Affectionate person的解答。


除了Affectionate person,大家也想知道這些:

Set Love Free: Female Sexuality as Subversive Agency in Lord Byron’s Don Juan

為了解決Affectionate person的問題,作者陳正芬 這樣論述:

  Set Love Free talks about female sexuality as subversive agency in Lord Byron’s Don Juan. What Byron would like to show in Don Juan is the exploration of human feelings, especially human passions and the nature of love. Set Love Free also features seven different poems written by Cheng-Fen Chen.

These are all true feelings from Love. Believe your emotions and enjoy the lovely ride.     Cheng-Fen Chen (Emily Chen) is a poet and a writer coming from Taiwan. The poet Emily writes her poems with a sincere mind and special imagination. The literature of Romanticism, including that of Lord Byron

, has been a major influence on her writing. Set Love Free is Taiwan’s first book that presents a unique, engaging perspective on Byron’s masterpiece as well as collecting Emily Chen’s own poetic works in English—even with wild sublime as resonant languages. the tranquil time,  The appearance of poe

m was taking shape.     Love, Abject, and Romantic     Poem / by Cheng-Fen Chen     When I met you in the tranquil time,    The appearance of poem was taking shape.     Your name, I have not asked in person,     is just the third poem of mine.   好評推薦     The author, through her analysis of the rheto

rical and formal characteristics of Byron’s Don Juan, is able to reveal the importance of Byron’s view of female sexuality and female emancipation. This is an aspect of the work that is often overlooked, and I believe that she is able to convincingly demonstrate its importance and even, in a sense,

its centrality for the work’s overall vision. She supports her arguments with references to a range of contemporary thinkers, but continually anchors her conclusions in careful examinations of the various female figures in the poem and in Byron’s view of them, both explicit and more subtly implied.

Her appreciation of the poem’s well-known digressive form also adds credence to her argument. Ultimately she is able to reveal a previously unsuspected dimension of this work, namely, Byron’s view of the importance of female sexuality and female emancipation. In doing so, she throws a new and intere

sting light on an otherwise familiar work which, I believe, will make it even more interesting for many contemporary readers.—Steven Frattali,Former Assistant Professor, DFLL, NTHU, American Writer     The author leads readers to reread and reinterpret Byron’s Don Juan from highly creative viewpoint

s. Through the analysis of Byron’s unruly freedom claims, she also thinks deeply about love, female autonomy, and the consciousness of resisting patriarchy. In the complex narrative structure of Don Juan, the author has mastered the factors of travel and time, together with post-structuralism argume

nts to demonstrate the relationship between lovers and the stranger Don Juan. Their love has a complex mental framework, which reveals the personalities of Romantic Poets: they are eager to grasp the passion for love. This is indeed a poetic dissertation full of brand-new arguments.  —Wen-Wei Shiu,

Poet, Professor, Department ofChinese, NTNU      作者以相當具有創造力的觀點,帶領讀者重新閱讀與詮釋拜倫的《唐璜》,透過分析詩人不羈的自由主張,也省思愛情、女性的自主與抵抗父權的意識。在《唐璜》複雜的敘事結構中,作者掌握了旅行與時間的因素,以後結構主義的論點,論證戀人與異鄉人唐璜的關係,有著複雜的心理框架,呈現出浪漫主義詩人個性的張揚,歌頌與把握愛情的熱切,是一本充滿嶄新論點的詩學論述。—須文蔚.詩人.國立臺灣師範大學國文學系教授     Praise for Set Love Free     A must-collect book for a

ny Byron admires. Set Love Free and Emily’s poetic works give you all the affectionate insight you can feel in love. This book is really a unique artwork.—Chiou-Ling Shi     The opinions and research results provided in this book are precious. Beautiful, passionate, and sentimental to know.—Leslie C

hang     Emily Chen has achieved an enlightening discourse on Byron’s Don Juan. Also, her works are so sincere that you can feel the distinctive romantic spirits. Emily is a diligent writer, and she could write various articles. Absolutely emotional and rational!—Kevin Chuang     If you are attracte

d to the Byronic Hero, you must not miss this book. I got strength from the outstanding discourse and from the romantic poems: both artistic and enlightening.—Redmuhly33


為了解決Affectionate person的問題,作者張芳瑜 這樣論述:

沈祖棻(1909-1977)為近現代詞史上的大家,亦為著名學者程千帆的妻子,她一生橫跨近代至當代,經歷過對日抗戰、國共內戰、新中國成立及文化大革命,詞作情感真摯,造語清麗典雅。除了書寫小我的相思閨怨之情外,更將觸角延伸至家國社會,以比興寄託手法委婉評論時政,也以直筆批判社會亂象,筆鋒亦剛亦柔,飽含對人民處境、國家命運的關懷。她著有《微波辭》、《涉江詞稿》、《涉江詩稿》、《宋詞賞析》、《唐人七絕詩淺釋》、《古詩今選》(與程千帆合作)六種,以及短篇小說、新詩、散文、雜著等百數十篇。沈祖棻以詞名世,其詞作亦曾選入現當代詞選中,但臺灣學界卻對她關注不多。 本文探討她一生用力最著、且最具


初期、客居異地與返鄉前後三個層次,各有不同的側重點。此外,詞人亦以比興寄託手法婉轉諷諭時政,並以直筆揭露社會亂象、批判扭曲世風,前者繼承常州詞派的興寄傳統,以神話傳說與女性意象評論國際局勢與相關史事,對上位者有所諷刺;後者則集中批判戰時大後方權貴的醉生夢死、知識分子的崇洋媚外、投機客的鑽營神態,亦反映當時物價飛漲、特務橫行、學潮屢起等社會亂象,為苦難的大眾發聲,繼承了杜甫詩史的精神。 透過兩大主題的爬梳整理,當可發現《涉江詞》中的相思念遠、羈旅懷鄉之情與家國危亡相互牽繫,詞中的淒婉之音亦為動盪時代的反映。但就算在時代的磨難之下,沈祖棻仍然堅守原則,不與世同流合汙,故「涉江」涵意不


I Never Came to You in White: A Novel About Emily Dickinson

為了解決Affectionate person的問題,作者Farr, Judith 這樣論述:

In 1847 Edward Dickinson's daughter Emily was seventeen, a student at Mary Lyon's female seminary (now Mount Holyoke College) in South Hadley, Massachusetts. Thrilled by the challenges of her education, yet repressed by the school atmosphere, she began writing letters home and to the friends she fel

t lonely for----passionate letters that reveled in bubbling and irreverent mischief and declared the affectionate intensity of the budding poet. Later, after her death at the age of fifty-five, friends and relatives exchanged misunderstandings of the woman they had known----and of the poetic treasur

e that they had no sure way of evaluating.Out of these sixty-six imagined letters, Judith Farr, herself a poet and Dickinson scholar, has created a brilliant novel, which, written in the language of Emily Dickinson's contemporaries, lays out the entire emotional spectrum of her life. We see the youn

g Emily groping toward poetic expression. We share the bewilderment of her teachers and friends as the girl reacts with the ingenuity of genius to people, books, and events. We marvel at her private letters "To a Mysterious Person." We smile with her at the confusion of others as they struggle to ke

ep up with the poet's imagination, at those who try to "correct" her mode of expression. We share the experience of the first man to take her photograph. We watch her die, dreadfully and prematurely. When we are done, we have shared in a wondrous mystery, for we are the only ones allowed to know who

Emily Dickinson was: these letters are written to us.As Diane Wood Middlebrook has written, "This work of fiction---meticulously researched, delicately attuned to the language of the times---provides an explanation more persuasive than any biography ever will, of what happened to the girl on the br

ink of womanhood to make her the person who wrote those poems. A startling good read."


為了解決Affectionate person的問題,作者黃鼎益 這樣論述:

本研究旨在探討男同志青少年時期單戀異男之經驗,瞭解青少年時期男同志單戀的心理歷程與因應調適。本研究使用敘事研究法,立意取樣四位在青少年時期有單戀異男經驗之男同志,以半結構深度訪談蒐集資料,訪談結果以「整體—內容」分析方式進行資料整理及歸納。研究結果如下:壹、 單戀異男之心理歷程一、 內化恐同影響了男同志單戀異男的經驗二、 經歷了負向回應後,男同志在後續面對情感時較畏懼而裹足不前。三、 難以確定對方的性傾向,需要不斷地猜測兩人之間的可能性四、 告白的處境:(一) 即使與單戀對像有親密的肢體接觸或曖昧互動,仍擔心告白後對方會因明確得知自己是同志而嫌惡自己,或遭他人閒言閒語。(二)

男同志出櫃或告白後,皆有明確被拒絕、厭惡或莫名疏遠的經驗。貳、 單戀異男困境的因應與調適一、 心理專業人員的同志專業素養不足,似乎難以有效幫助同志面對單戀困境二、 面對單戀困境時,缺乏同志同儕的社會支持三、 同志教育的缺乏,使同志求助無門、師長亦不知如何協助四、 單戀的因應策略及單戀後的成長(一) 受訪者靠著轉移焦點、遠離單戀對象來自我調適,但仍調適失敗時也影響了後續情感發展。(二) 經歷單戀後,某些受訪者提及,不論如何不想留下遺憾而選擇主動告白;或是更了解自己也更懂得經營感情。 最後針對研究發現提出建議,更深入理解男同志在面臨單戀困境時的需要關鍵字:青少年、男同志、單戀