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Candidate adj的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦林葦,林雅文寫的 升學名師用THINK CUBE教你大考單字:翻轉大腦的單字方塊記憶術(附單字方塊PDF檔 + 高中英文7000單字表 + 單字朗讀MP3) 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站candidate的形容词- 头条搜索也說明:但candidate可是地地道道的名词,它表示选举的候选人,应. ... 单词回顾:candidate - 自然拼读词根词缀-高中四级. ... [回答] 英语c开头的形容词:calamitous adj.

臺北醫學大學 牙醫學系博士班 嚴 明芳所指導 Pallop Siewchaisakul的 口腔癌整合性流行病學及個人化預防之應用 (2020),提出Candidate adj關鍵因素是什麼,來自於。

而第二篇論文國立臺灣大學 醫學檢驗暨生物技術學研究所 胡忠怡所指導 高亦欣的 探討PODXL基因在神經母細胞瘤扮演之角色 (2018),提出因為有 神經母細胞瘤、PODXL、微核醣核酸-125b、慢病毒載體、癌症表現型的重點而找出了 Candidate adj的解答。

最後網站How Americans describe the Democratic presidential ...則補充:Biden is the only Democratic candidate considered particularly “patriotic,” ... A few of the Democratic candidates share adjectives with ...


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為了解決Candidate adj的問題,作者Pallop Siewchaisakul 這樣論述:

AbstractBackgroundThe highest estimated numbers of oral cancer (OC) cases worldwide in 2018 were noted in Asia. A considerable heterogeneity with respect to the demographic and dynamic incidence rate of OC is noted even within Asian region, including Taiwan and Thailand. Elucidating of age, period,

and cohort (APC) effects from regions with varying disease incidence patterns would be helpful for elucidating the mechanism of changes. Since 2004, nationwide OC screening program targeting at betel quid chewers and smokers has been conducted in Taiwan. It provides an opportunity to elucidate the

disease natural history for OC in which beneficial to evaluate the effectiveness of prevention program in the non-randomized controlled trial design, such as service screening program, or novel intervention modalities, such as personalized OC prevention is needed. The elucidation of etiological fact

ors in addition to the well-recognized risk factors (betel quid’s chewing, smoking, and alcohol drinking) including metabolic syndrome (MetS) enables one to do risk stratification in order to facilitate an innovative alternative integrated risk classification model with genetic, conventional, person

al, and environmental risk model in OC screening.AimsThe aims of this thesis were(1) to use the APC curves to compare the gender-specific and time-trend of OC in Taiwan and Thailand,(2) to estimate the natural history from the state of free of OC, preclinical OC, to the clinical phase,(3) to clar

ify the causality between MetS and oral potentially malignant disorders (OPMD),(4) to integrated evidences mentioned earlier to develop a computer simulation algorithm based on the spirit of big data analysis to construct the risk stratified profile for individuals in lightof translation medicine.M

aterials and MethodsData on the incident OC between 1979 and 2016 in Taiwan were obtained from the Cancer Registry of the Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare. In Thailand, data were retrieved from the population-based cancer registry of Khon Kaen province for the cases di

agnosed between 1985 and 2016. The joint-regression model was used to find the knots of time to separate the changing trend of incidence by gender, in both Thailand and Taiwan. We categorized the APC in groups of 5 years each.To estimate the disease natural history, we used the three-state Markov pr

ocess models based on data of biennial nationwide, population-based OC screening programme in Taiwan between 2004 to 2016, in that the programme targeted on the high risk of oral behavior (Cigarette smoking and betel quid chewing).To investigate the association between MetS and OPMD, we used data fr

om community based-integrated screening programme in one county from the Central Taiwan between 2004 and 2014. The multi-variable Poisson regression model was used to examine the association between MetS and OPMD.For risk classification, we developed a risk assessment model incorporating risk factor

s such as betel quid chewing, cigarette smoking, and genetic and epigenetic factors. A Markov simulation model was applied to simulate a hypothetical cohort with distribution of risk profiles the same as a high-risk group for oral screening in Taiwan. The effectiveness with different inter-screening

intervals with or without health education for quitting betel quid chewing and cigarette smoking were examined, so as to varying attendance rate, and compliance to treatment once detected as 50%, 60%, and 80%ResultsIn Taiwan, the estimated annual increase of OC was about 6.0% (95 % CI: 5.3, 6.6) in

males, while increasing at decreasing rate since 2009, and 2.6% (95 % CI: 1.5, 3.6) annual increase was estimated in females. In Khon Kaen, the incidence of OC decreased steadily in females by 2.5% (95 % CI: 1.4, 3.7%) per year, but there was no obvious change in males. Strong period effect noted f

or those aged 45-69 years in Taiwanese male resulted in the peak age at the middle age group in twenty-first century. The decreasing period and cohort effects were observed in females in Khon Kaen.The estimated transition rate from the pre-clinical detectable phase (PCDP) to the clinical phase (CP)

was 0.66 per year (95 % CI:0.65, 0.67), which yielded an estimated mean sojourn time (MST) of 1.5 years (95 % CI: 1.48, 1.53) given an assumption of 100% sensitivity. After releasing this assumption, the estimates for MST and sensitivity were 2.85 (95 % CI:2.77, 2.85) and 59% (95 % CI:57.5, 60.3%),

respectively.For the association between MetS and OPMD, we found that subjects with MetS had a statistically elevated risk of OPMD compared to those who are free of MetS by 33% (adjusted rate ratio (aRR)=1.33, 95 % CI:1.14, 1.55) after adjusting for confounders of age, sex, education level, betel qu

id chewing, cigarette smoking, alcohol drinking, meat, vegetable and fruit. This association was noted in the individual component of MetS, including central obesity (aRR=1.22, 95 % CI: 1.04, 1.44), hypertriglyceridaemia (aRR=1.26, 95 % CI:1.07, 1.49) and hyperglycaemia (aRR=1.20, 95 % CI:1.02, 1.41

). Central obesity and hypertriglyceridaemia were also statistically associated with a subtype of OPMD, leukoplakia.The simulation resulting from an integrated risk-profile cohort showed a 48% OC incidence reduction for annual screening program with 60% attendance rate, and 80% compliancerate to tre

atment once detected compared with the control group without any particular intervention. A further 3-5% incidence reduction could be achieved when education program for quitting betel quid chewing and cigarette smoking was introduced in the screening program.Conclusion An increasing trend in OC in

cidence has been observed since 1980 among Taiwanese males, the predominant sex for OC in Taiwan, but the increasing trend started to decelerate since 2009. APC effects act differently in male and female in Taiwan and Thailand. We identified MetS as novel risk factors in addition to the well-recogni

zed factors for oral neoplasm. The effectiveness of OC screening in a personalized approach was demonstrated with a risk assessment model considering unhealthy oral habits like betel quid chewing and cigarette smoking, genetic and epigenetic factors in a multistate progression model. Based on our fi

ndings, promoting MetS control programme together with applying personalized risk-based oral neoplasm screening could beneficial to policy maker and public health of view to personalized OC prevention.


為了解決Candidate adj的問題,作者高亦欣 這樣論述:

  神經母細胞瘤(Neuroblastoma, NB)為兒童最常見之顱外固態腫瘤(extracranial solid tumor)。其成因被認為主要由於神經嵴前驅細胞(neural crest progenitors)分化失敗並異常增生所導致。然而此疾病異質性極高,致病機制也尚未明瞭,故高風險神經母細胞瘤患者即使經強力治療後,其長期存活率仍低於四成。目前MYCN基因擴增為神經母細胞瘤最重要的不良預後因子,因此科學家在尋找高風險神經母細胞瘤之治療標的時,對MYCN基因上下游調控網路特別感興趣。  由本實驗室有關神經母細胞瘤與微核醣核酸(microRNA, miRNA)之系列研究發現神經母細胞

瘤腫瘤中若表現較高的miR-125b,則病患之長期存活率顯著較好。於MYCN擴增之神經母細胞瘤細胞株過表現miR-125b會導致細胞分化、細胞週期停滯、降低細胞遷移與侵襲能力,顯示miR-125b於此疾病扮演抑癌之角色。我們由微陣列(microarray)分析有無過表現miR-125b神經母細胞瘤細胞之差異表現基因,其中包括LIN28B和PODXL。  Podocalyxin-Like Protein 1(PODXL)屬於CD34家族成員,是細胞表面高度糖化的穿膜蛋白。過往文獻提及,PODXL於多種癌症中有過表現的情況,並與較具侵襲性之腫瘤以及預後不良相關;亦有研究指出PODXL之高表現與癌細

胞之遷移、侵襲、上皮-間質轉換(epithelial-mesenchymal transition, EMT)和轉移有關。在閉塞性動脈硬化(atherosclerosis obliterans)相關研究中亦已證實miR-125b可直接負調控PODXL表現並影響人類主動脈血管平滑肌細胞(human aortic vascular smooth muscle cells, HAVSMCs)之增生與移動,本研究的目的為於神經母細胞瘤中確認miR-125b/PODXL調控路徑之存在,並探討PODXL在神經母細胞瘤腫瘤生成與發展中扮演之角色。  我們在神經母細胞瘤SK-N-DZ細胞株中過表現miR-12

5b,會導致其PODXL表現減弱,顯示神經母細胞瘤系統中PODXL基因受miR-125b之負向調控。且於四十位神經母細胞瘤病人臨床檢體中,miR-125b與PODXL基因表現量呈負相關。此外,以公開的R2資料庫內三個神經母細胞瘤資料集(Versteeg-88, NRC-283, TARGET-249)進行分析,發現PODXL高表現之病患存活率顯著較差;且高風險分期病患之PODXL表現顯著高於低風險分期者。接著我們利用慢病毒(lentivirus)將shPODXL送入SK-N-DZ細胞干擾PODXL表現,藉此探究PODXL對於癌症表現型的影響。抑制PODXL的SK-N-DZ細胞,其遷移、侵襲,與

非貼附生長能力皆顯著降低;而其增生則不受影響。有趣的是,我們發現抑制PODXL能使間質細胞表型的標記-vimentin以及N-cadherin蛋白質表現降低,暗示著PODXL的表現可能參與調節細胞的EMT。  綜合本研究所得之結果推論PODXL可能會透過促進腫瘤細胞遷移與侵襲,而對神經母細胞瘤之腫瘤侵襲性(tumor aggressiveness)有所貢獻。且於神經母細胞瘤中,PODXL的表現受miR-125b負向調控。此外,PODXL高表現之神經母細胞瘤病患預後較差。因此在未來,原發腫瘤中PODXL之表現可望成為惡性神經母細胞瘤重要的分子標記之一,探討PODXL相關網路的調控有助於研發高風險
