Per capita income的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們查出實價登入價格、格局平面圖和買賣資訊

Per capita income的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦寫的 Agro and Food Processing Industry in India: Inter-Sectoral Linkages, Employment, Productivity and Competitiveness 和Bird, Julia/ Li, Yue/ Rahman, Hossain Zillur/ Rama, Martin/ Vena的 Toward Great Dhaka: A New Urban Development Paradigm Eastward都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站NATIONAL INCOME PER CAPITA - OECD iLibrary也說明:These are per capita gross national income (GNI) and net national income (NNI). Definition. GNI is defined as GDP plus net receipts from abroad of wages and ...

這兩本書分別來自 和所出版 。

國立中正大學 經濟系國際經濟學研究所 許毓珊所指導 張雅惠的 汙染、財政政策與經濟成長 (2021),提出Per capita income關鍵因素是什麼,來自於內生成長模型、汙染成長率、所得稅、污染稅、汙染處理技術、消費稅。

而第二篇論文國立臺灣師範大學 健康促進與衛生教育學系健康促進與衛生教育碩士在職專班 李子奇所指導 陳湘燁的 新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)流行初期確診率與死亡率的相關因子:以全球空間資料分析 (2021),提出因為有 新型冠狀病毒、大流行疾病、多變數空間自迴歸分析、確診率、死亡率的重點而找出了 Per capita income的解答。

最後網站Income Per Capita Criterion for Pre-school Subsidies for All ...則補充:ECDA has structured the preschool subsidies such that for 4-member households, the household income and per capita income ceilings for each ...


除了Per capita income,大家也想知道這些:

Agro and Food Processing Industry in India: Inter-Sectoral Linkages, Employment, Productivity and Competitiveness

為了解決Per capita income的問題,作者 這樣論述:

This book provides different facets of India’s agro and food processing industry in both organised and unorganised segments. It brings forth the topical issues having potential to accelerate the pace of growth in its employment, investment and productivity and strive for improving the global comp

etitiveness. Using advanced quantitative techniques, it brings new evidences on inter-sectoral (agriculture-industry-services) employment and production linkages, contractual arrangements through Farmer Producer Companies, and subcontracting in the processed food sector. It also throws light on Indi

a’s comparative advantage in export of primary and processed food products.With rising per capita income, urbanisation, and changing food habits of people, India is increasingly striving to improve productivity and competitiveness in agriculture and manufacturing. A concerted policy focus to acceler

ate private investment in food processing, largely viewed as a sunrise industry, is expected to contribute to large scale job creation and external trade not only in the manufacturing but also in the agricultural sector. Keeping this in mind, considerable insights are featured in the book at the ind

ustry and firm levels due to a significant bearing of technological, tariffs and non-tariff barriers and labour regulations on their trade intensity, employment and efficiency. Containing perspectives from the top agriculture and industry economists in the country, the book will be very useful to re

searchers, academicians, trade analysts and policy makers.


為了解決Per capita income的問題,作者張雅惠 這樣論述:

本文建立一個汙染會對代表性個人有負面影響的內生成長模型,並將汙染存量的影響納入代表性個人的 Cobb-Douglas效用函數。我們考慮不同的汙染成長率,推導經濟體存在馬鞍均衡的充分條件,並探討政府執行的減排行動以及汙染稅率、所得稅率和消費稅率對於長期經濟成長率的影響。最後透過數值分析,分別在生產單位造成不同的汙染排放比例以及政府部門制定不同的減排活動支出之下,考慮不同參數,探討所得稅率、消費稅率與污染稅率的經濟成長效果,我們發現汙染條件越差,課徵污染稅與所得稅的經濟成長效果越好,且提高減排比例也越有成效。

Toward Great Dhaka: A New Urban Development Paradigm Eastward

為了解決Per capita income的問題,作者Bird, Julia/ Li, Yue/ Rahman, Hossain Zillur/ Rama, Martin/ Vena 這樣論述:

A unique strategic opportunity beckons Bangladesh. Dhaka, the economic powerhouse of the country, stands on the cusp of a dramatic transformation that could make it much more prosperous and livable. Today, Dhaka is prone to flooding, congestion, and messiness, to a point that is clogging its growth.

But toward its east, where two major highway corridors will one day intersect, is a vast expanse of largely rural land. And much of it is within 6 kilometers of the most valuable parts of the city. The time to make the most of this eastward opportunity is now. Many parts of East Dhaka are already b

eing developed in a haphazard way at an alarmingly rapid pace. Private developers are buying land and filling it with sand so they can build and sell new houses and apartments. Canals and ponds are disappearing, and the few narrow roads crossing the area are being encroached by construction. This sp

ontaneous development could soon make East Dhaka look like the messy western part of the city, and retrofitting it later will be more difficult and costlier than properly planning and developing it now. Toward Great Dhaka: A New Urban Development Paradigm Eastward seeks to analyze how the opportunit

y of East Dhaka could be realized. Using state-of-the-art modeling techniques, the study simulates population, housing, economic activity, and commuting times across the 266 unions that constitute Greater Dhaka. It does so under various scenarios for the development of East Dhaka, but always assessi

ng the implications for the entire city. The simulations suggest that pursuing a strategic approach to the development of East Dhaka would make Greater Dhaka a much more productive and livable city than continuing with business as usual. Based on current trends, Greater Dhaka would have a population

of 25 million in 2035 and an income per capita of US$8,000 at 2015 prices. However, embracing a strategic approach would add 5 million people to the city. And, it would be a more productive city, with nearly 1.8 million more jobs and an income per capita of more than US$9,200 at 2015 prices, enough

to put Dhaka on the map of global cities. The World Bank came into formal existence in 1945 following the international ratification of the Bretton Woods agreements. It is a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world. The organization’s activities

are focused on education, health, agriculture and rural development, environmental protection, establishing and enforcing regulations, infrastructure development, governance and legal institutions development. The World Bank is made up of two unique development institutions owned by its 185 Member C

ountries. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) focuses on middle income and creditworthy poor countries and the International Development Association (IDA), which focuses on the poorest countries in the world.


為了解決Per capita income的問題,作者陳湘燁 這樣論述:

背景:新型冠狀病毒 (Coronavirus disease 2019, COVID-19)在2019年12月於中國湖北省發現多起群聚感染,且迅速擴散至全中國並蔓延至其他國家,造成大流行疾病,臺灣在2020年1月21日,出現第1例COVID-19境外移入,COVID-19除了對經濟造成衝擊外,也因各國疫情及病例數與日俱增,讓民眾對於未知的疾病產生恐慌,本研究目的在了解世界各國COVID-19流行初期確診率及死亡率分佈情形及相關因子。研究方法:本研究透過世界各國的開放式數據探討眾多與COVID-19確診率及死亡率相關的因子,如:肥胖、高齡化、平均壽命、經濟發展程度、識字率、人口密度、傳染病與慢

性病(癌症、心血管疾病、糖尿病、肺結核等的盛行率)、基礎衛生建設涵蓋率、醫療資源(醫師密度、病床密度)。空間統計分析用於探索 COVID-19確診率和死亡率的空間分佈。 本研究按兩個指標日期進行空間統計分析,分別是第一個分析時間點(2020年7月15日,T1)和第二個分析時間點(2020年12月15日,T2)。為了探索相關的因子和結果變項之間的空間關聯,我們進行了不同定義的空間相關矩陣之空間自迴歸分析,包括一階國界相鄰、二階國界相鄰、500公里距離相鄰、1,000 公里距離相鄰和 1,500公里距離相鄰。空間自迴歸分析並考量自變項共線性的問題。研究結果:共175個國家的資料納入空間統計分析,以

1,500公里距離相鄰為定義,排除部份共線性的自變項後,將剩餘的自變項同時納入多變數空間自迴歸分析顯示,國內生產毛額 (單位:每壹美元,估計係數=0.46,p=0.033)及肥胖率 (單位:每100人,估計係數=0.95, p