Securitization的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們查出實價登入價格、格局平面圖和買賣資訊

Securitization的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Nwogugu, Michael C.寫的 Mechanism Design and International Risk Regulation Institutions: Theories and Models for Financial Markets 和的 Religion at the Edge: Nature, Spirituality, and Secularity in the Pacific Northwest都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站Securitization & Structured Finance | Services | Locke Lord也說明:Locke Lord is one of the few firms to represent almost every variety of market participant in the securitization and structured finance space.

這兩本書分別來自 和所出版 。

國防大學 戰略研究所 杜長青所指導 莊霈儀的 美國政府對中國威脅的安全化論述比較研究—以歐巴馬和川普政府為例 (2021),提出Securitization關鍵因素是什麼,來自於威脅建構、哥本哈根學派、安全化理論、庫博中文與料庫、論述分析。

而第二篇論文國防大學 戰略研究所 杜長青所指導 田漢平的 威脅感知與安全化論述:模擬決策訓練之實證分析 (2021),提出因為有 安全化、威脅建構、身分認同、權力、意圖的重點而找出了 Securitization的解答。

最後網站Mechanics and Benefits of Securitization - Diamond Hill ...則補充:A securitized deal begins with an agreement between a lender and a borrower as to the amount borrowed, interest rate paid, collateral to secure the loan, and ...



Mechanism Design and International Risk Regulation Institutions: Theories and Models for Financial Markets

為了解決Securitization的問題,作者Nwogugu, Michael C. 這樣論述:

Financial crises, including those related to sub-prime loans/mortgages, have exposed weaknesses in financial markets and risk management institutions worldwide. In 'Mechanism Design and International Risk Regulation Institutions', Mike Nwogugu explains that 'Risk Management Institutions' in this con

text refers not just to organizations, but also to methods, assets/liabilities, mathematical computations, government interventions and regulations that pertain to global risk management. The author suggests that in order to foster economic growth, international risk regulation should transcend the

current emphasis on organizations and assets/liabilities because despite international coordination and new laws enacted in various countries during 2007-2012, risk regulation remains highly ineffective in many countries. The author also critiques mechanism design theory (a branch of mathematics) an

d explains how implementation and divisibility are major elements of, and limitations to mechanisms. The author introduces new mechanisms that pertain to banking, external auditing (auditor selection), securitization, franchising, the corporate entity and credit ratings (all of which in their curren

t form are distinct failed mechanisms). In this book, the author introduces new risk management models; and new methods for the risk-based interpretation of national Constitutions; and explains the symbolic and functional importance of Constitutional Political Economy in legislation and risk managem

ent. The Author illustrates the effects of risk regulation on economic growth. The book elucidates mechanism design theories as they relate to risk, and analyses antitrust prediction and franchising models within the context of systemic risk. The Author develops new theories of the firm and mathemat

ical models pertaining to bankruptcy, strategic alliances and M&A transactions. This book will serve the needs of Investment and corporate governance professionals; banking/securitie Mike Nwogugu was most recently a senior executive and co-founder of a sports media and ecommerce holding company in

the USA. Prior to that, Mike was a Senior Vice President for Corporate Governance & Strategic Planning at Dentamach International, Inc. and performed the same role at China America Cooperative Automotive, Inc. He has worked in other roles at UBS PaineWebber and KPMG. Mike holds degrees in Architect

ure from the University of Nigeria and the City University of New York; and an M.B.A. from Columbia University (New York City). He is an ’inactive’ Certified Public Accountant (Maryland) and Certified Management Accountant (IMA/ICMA). Mike has worked as a consultant and provided financial, cost anal

ysis, strategic planning, operations planning and new-product development services to start up and emerging growth companies and has been the Chairman/founder of several new ventures. Mike is an article-reviewer for the European Journal of Operations Research, and American Statistician. Mike Nwogugu

has published articles in journals such as Managerial Auditing Journal; the Journal of Hedge Funds & Derivatives; the Journal of International Banking Law & Regulation; Journal Of Risk Finance; Corporate Ownership & Control; International Journal Of Game Theory, Mathematics & Algebra; and Applied M

athematics & Computation. Mike Nwogugu’s book titled Risk In The Global Real Estate Market was published by John Wiley in 2012; and he is writing other books including Earnings Management, Incentives And Intangibles (Gower, 2013).



為了解決Securitization的問題,作者莊霈儀 這樣論述:

本研究係以哥本哈根學派的安全化理論來探討美國政府如何形塑中國的威脅,並採歷史研究(Historical method)、語料庫語言學分析(Corpus Linguistics)及論述分析(discourse analysis)等三種研究方法來分析行為主體與結構之間的關連性,藉由文本中的安全表述闡釋威脅認知,另透過「庫博中文獨立語料庫分析工具」結合論述分析之方式,以電腦輔助量化統計揭露語言使用的實際及表徵狀況,再對比文本中語言使用的深層意義及脈絡進行論述分析。針對歐巴馬政府至川普政府執政期間的《總統國情咨文(State of the Union address)》、《美國國家安全戰略報告(Na

tional Security Strategy)》及《國防戰略報告(National Defense Strategy)》等17份具代表美國政府官方立場之文本作為分析基礎,試圖探究美國政府對中政策轉變之各種可能催化因素;而在研究貢獻上,本研究期能藉由兼顧歷時性與共時性的資料選取範圍,期能再現美中互動過程中威脅建構的各種關鍵要件,以掌握特定政治菁英如何透過威脅言論的建構,指導民眾如何看待、評價他們自己的國家以及外在的敵人。研究發現,美國政府對於中國威脅的安全化論述是具有脈絡性、不間斷的,安全化操作並非是一個線性發展的過程,尤其安全化論述透過論述者、行為者與脈絡之間動態的關係顯示出來,除了美國政


Religion at the Edge: Nature, Spirituality, and Secularity in the Pacific Northwest

為了解決Securitization的問題,作者 這樣論述:

Paul Bramadat is professor and director of the Centre for Studies in Religion and Society at the University of Victoria in British Columbia. He is a coeditor of Urban Religious Events: Public Spirituality in Contested Spaces and Radicalization and Securitization in Canada and Beyond. Patricia O’Conn

ell Killen is professor emerita and research fellow at Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, Washington. She is coeditor of The Future of Catholicism in America and Religion and Public Life in the Pacific Northwest: The None Zone. Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme is associate professor in the Department of S

ociology and Legal Studies at the University of Waterloo, Ontario. She is a coauthor of None of the Above: Nonreligious Identity in the US and Canada.


為了解決Securitization的問題,作者田漢平 這樣論述:

對於威脅的感知是國際關係中戰爭、威懾、脅迫、聯盟和衝突等相關研究的關注焦點,但威脅與安全是一種相互主體之間所建構的抽象概念,難以辨識與進行界定,哥本哈根學派(Copenhagen Schools)由言語安全的角度主張「安全化(Securitization)」分析框架,主張安全行為者宣稱某指涉事項具有「存在性威脅(existential threats)」因此必須採取超乎常規政治的手段來進行應對,由此可知威脅這個概念不僅是安全研究的核心概念之一,更具有啟動後續政策行為的作用。為了讓威脅的來源更具象化,本研究以「中國威脅」作為安全指涉對象,並萃取建構主義中對於「身分(Identity)」、「權力

(Power)」、及「意圖(Intention)」等概念的分析觀點,以哥本哈根學派的安全化理論作為主要的分析架構,針對中華民國(臺灣)某決策模擬訓練活動的參與學員,採用「準實驗法(quasi-experimental method)」與「非參與觀察法(non-participant observation)」跨域整合方式進行研究,藉此檢視「威脅感知」的各種可能來源及對於後續「安全化行動」的可能影響。研究發現權力大小差異的感受及危害意圖多寡的感知,對威脅感知上具有相對的關聯性及預測力,當中國的權力(軍力)越加強大、危害意圖越加強烈時,群體對其威脅感知亦隨之提升。上述相關變項關聯性的發現,可作為未
